February 3, 2021 | BPS Activities
One of the important indicators
in a country is the international trade exchange rate, also known as the Term
of Trade (ToT). This trade exchange rate is an indicator of a country's
economic health, particularly in relation to the balance of payments (Balance
of Payments). Changes in the ratio of export prices to import prices have a
direct impact on a country's real income. This international trade exchange
rate can be calculated using the International Trade Price Index (IHPI) which
consists of the Export Price Index and the Import Price Index.
The International Trade Price
Index (IHPI) measures changes in the overall price component of transactions of
goods and services between residents of an economic area and residents of the
world. The IHPI does not measure actual prices but measures changes in prices
from one period to another. IHPI is important to use in analyzing a country's
economy, because in seeing changes in the value of exports and imports, IHPI as
a measure of the component of price changes can be used as a deflator of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP). An increase or decrease in export / import value cannot
be used directly to see export / import growth because the increase / decrease
can be caused by changes in real prices or changes in currency exchange rates.
Therefore, the export / import value must be divided by the export / import
price index to reflect real growth.
The IHPI is also an important
factor explaining the evolution of domestic inflation. A fall in the import
price of final goods can affect the overall price level in the economy. Import
prices can also be a good indicator of future inflation in a country, given
that many domestic production inputs / raw materials are imported. Seeing the
importance of the use of IHPI in a country's economy, it is important for BPS
to be able to carry out an International Trade Price Survey (SHPI) to produce
quality IHPI data. Therefore, BPS-RI through the Sub-directorate of Producer
Price Statistics began to carry out SHPI 2021 activities to produce IHPI data.
The 2021 SHPI activity is also a follow-up to ABS technical assistance in 2018
and the 2020 SHPI study.
The enumeration period of the
International Trade Price Survey (SHPI) is conducted monthly every 20th to
30th. The sample allocation of Boyolali Regency consists of 4 companies,
including: PT. Pearland, PT. Jesi Jason Wurja Wibowo, PT. Eco Smart Garmet
Indonesia Sambi, and PT. Eco Smart Garmet Indonesia Klego.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Boyolali (Statistics of Boyolali Regency)Jl. Raya Boyolali-Solo Km. 2 Mojosongo Boyolali Jawa Tengah 57322
Telp (62-276) 323772
Faks (62-276) 321061
Mailbox : bps3309@bps.go.id