Wholesale Price Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Wholesale Price Survey

Wholesale Price Survey

April 28, 2022 | BPS Activities

Indonesia is an archipelagic country, this causes commodity distribution problems to become a major issue. Natural conditions are often the cause of problems in the distribution of goods, for example landslides that hinder land distribution routes or high waves that hinder sea distribution routes. This condition causes fluctuations in the price of goods in the market. Extreme price fluctuations in one or some commodities will disrupt the stability of the national economy. Therefore, government policies are needed to maintain commodity price stability by monitoring price developments. To support this, an indicator is needed that can describe the development of commodity prices, one of which is at the level of wholesalers (distributors or wholesalers). The indicator is the Wholesale Price Index (IHPB) obtained from the Wholesale Price Survey (SHPB). IHPB is an index figure that describes the magnitude of price changes at the wholesale/ wholesale price level of commodities traded in an area. These commodities are the result of domestic and foreign production which are marketed in the province. Previously, IHPB was presented by sector and type of goods calculated at the national level. Starting in 2020, the national IHPB was built from the provincial IHPB using weights generated from the 2017 Provincial IHPB Weighing Chart Compilation Survey (SPDT). The commodity packages used were commodity packages from the 2017 Provincial IHPB SPDT.

The purpose of the HPB Survey is to obtain reliable and timely wholesale price data, so that price developments are known over time, as material for the preparation of provincial Wholesale Price Index (IHPB) figures and their changes (inflation/deflation).

The HPB survey was conducted in all provinces in Indonesia, covering the main regencies/cities with large numbers of wholesalers. The commodities covered by the IHPB 2020 (2018=100) are 687 types of goods in three economic sectors that produce production (Agriculture; Mining and Quarrying; and Industry).
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