Nusantara Tourist Survey (WISNUS) & Trade Distribution Pattern Survey (POLDIS) Officer Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Nusantara Tourist Survey (WISNUS) & Trade Distribution Pattern Survey (POLDIS) Officer Training

Nusantara Tourist Survey (WISNUS) & Trade Distribution Pattern Survey (POLDIS) Officer Training

April 9, 2019 | Other Activities

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Boyolai Regency conducts training of Nusantara Tourist Survey (WISNUS) officers and the Trade Distribution Pattern Survey (POLDIS) in 2019 on Tuesday 9 April 2019. The training was held in the Hall of the BPS Boyolai Office, followed by 21 officers who consists of 16 field enumerators (PCL) and 5 field checks (PML).

The aim of the Nusantara Tourist Survey (WISNUS) is to get data / information on the number of trips and profiles of tourists such as demographic characteristics, travel patterns, and the average expenditure / consumption of domestic tourists. The Archipelago Tourist Survey (WISNUS) in 2019 will be held quarterly, with two stages, namely listing and enumeration.

Meanwhile, the purpose of the Trade Distribution Pattern Survey (POLDIS) is to describe the distribution patterns of some 2018 commodities, analyze the main patterns of distribution formed and obtain MPP values ​​for each level of traders and total MPP from producers to end consumers. The Trade Distribution Pattern Survey (POLDIS) will be held in this month until May 2019.

The training began with the opening led by the Head of BPS Boyolali Regency, Drs. Sugita, MM. It is hoped that later the participants will be able to understand the concepts / definitions and Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) that have been given by the instructor in the field implementation later. In addition, the purpose of the training is to equalize the perceptions of the officers in understanding the concepts / definitions used and the procedures and procedures for filling out the questionnaires used in the survey later.
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