Area Sampling Framework (KSA) Officer Training and Food Crop Tile Survey 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Area Sampling Framework (KSA) Officer Training and Food Crop Tile Survey 2021

Area Sampling Framework (KSA) Officer Training and Food Crop Tile Survey 2021

October 21, 2021 | BPS Activities

The Boyolali Regency BPS held an Area Sample Framework (KSA) Officer Training and a 2021 Food Crop Tile Survey on Thursday, October 21, 2021. The training lasted for 2 days at Karunia Outbond located in Mudal Village, Boyolali District. The training participants consisted of 35 PCS (enumerators) and 12 PMS (examiners).

The training was opened by the Head of BPS Boyolali Regency, Drs. Sugita, MM at the same time provided direction and motivation to all KSA officers and Food Crops Tiles in 2021. The training was guided by 2 Regional Instructors, namely Ana Afiqotul Azqiyah SST, M.Si and Lathifah Ari Purwati SST, M,Ec.Dev.

Area Sample Framework (KSA) is a combination of information technology-based systems and statistics used to estimate the harvested area of ​​food crops by utilizing digital maps. KSA is expected to be able to answer the availability of accurate and timely food data to support the planning of the National Food Security Program.

Meanwhile, the Food Crop Tile Survey is a routine survey conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) for each subround. This survey has the main objective of obtaining information on data on the productivity of food crops, both rice and secondary crops. In addition, this survey also collects information on a number of variables that have an impact on productivity, such as cultivation characteristics and government assistance to increase productivity.

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