SP2020-LF Officer Training Snack at Lorin Hotel - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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SP2020-LF Officer Training Snack at Lorin Hotel

SP2020-LF Officer Training Snack at Lorin Hotel

May 16, 2022 | BPS Activities

BPS Boyolali Regency strives to always serve the training participants with full sincerity, serving with heart. The training was carried out in 2 waves, namely Wave 1 on 7-11 May 2022 and Wave 2 on 11-15 May 2022. Looking at the relatively tight schedule, BPS Boyolali Regency tried to make even though it was crowded, the participants were still happy and comfortable. For this reason, every break, the participants are welcome to enjoy the cakes that have been provided along with tea and coffee drinks. Creating a training atmosphere will be prime again after enjoying the dishes served. Seeing this enthusiastic and comfortable training atmosphere, hopefully it will have an impact on the implementation of the field which will be held from May 15 and will end at the end of June 2022. Hopefully the participants will be given enthusiasm and health during the training, amen YRA .
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