Alternating menus for lunch and dinner at SP2020-LF officer training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Alternating menus for lunch and dinner at SP2020-LF officer training

Alternating menus for lunch and dinner at SP2020-LF officer training

May 16, 2022 | BPS Activities

SP2020-LF officer training participants are guests of BPS Boyolali Regency who need to be served wholeheartedly. One of the services is the provision of alternating lunch and dinner menus, with the hope that participants can enjoy offerings from the Lorin hotel. The committee always coordinates and communicates with the hotel, whenever there is a shortage or delay in the presentation. This good service is of course so that the participants can take the training seriously without any disturbance from food matters, whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner. From the seriousness of the participants, it is hoped that later in the field implementation they will carry out their duties properly and optimally, so that they will produce quality data, in accordance with BPS VISION, as a Quality Data Provider for Advanced Indonesia.
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