Best Participant per Class, SP2020-LF Officer Training Batch 2. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Best Participant per Class, SP2020-LF Officer Training Batch 2.

Best Participant per Class, SP2020-LF Officer Training Batch 2.

May 14, 2022 | BPS Activities

At the closing ceremony of the SP2020-LF Batch 2 officer training on Saturday, May 14, 2022, BPS Boyolali District through the Regional Instructors for each class, where in this 2nd wave there are 6 classes, choosing the best participants, the best participants are:
Class A = TRI LESTARI (Sambi)
Class B = Wheny Ristian (Banyudono)
Class C = Een Kurniastuti (Boyolali)
Class D = Tisna widiyatmoko (Terrace)
Class E = Aguslina Astrawati (Ngemplak)
Class F = BROTO SISWANTO (Nogosari).
On this occasion the Head of BPS Boyolali Regency, Drs. Sugita, MM gave a gift to the best participants and thanked them for showing their seriousness in participating in this training. Congratulations to the participants, hopefully during the implementation they can contribute in realizing quality data.
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