Construction Cost Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Construction Cost Survey

Construction Cost Survey

April 28, 2022 | BPS Activities

The regional autonomy policy has been issued by the government since 2000. This policy is directed at accelerating regional development in a fair and equitable manner throughout Indonesia. In addition, the existence of regional autonomy is also expected to be able to overcome the problem of financial balance between regions in Indonesia. The balancing fund needed in the implementation of regional autonomy is the General Allocation Fund (DAU). One of the variables used to calculate the DAU is the Construction Cost Index (IKK) obtained from the Construction Costly Price Survey (SHKK), conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in all districts/cities in Indonesia. The survey is conducted 4 times a year, namely in January, April, July, and October. The data collected includes the price of building/construction materials, the rental price of heavy construction equipment, and the wages for construction services. IKK is an index that describes the level of comparison of prices for construction goods between regions.

 SHKK is important because to calculate IKK data from the survey is needed, including weights/weighing charts. The IKK weight/weighing chart is obtained from the Bill of Quantity (BOQ). BOQ is the realization of the construction of a construction in the district/city concerned. Realization of development in the form of the value of each of the main building materials needed to build 1 building unit per unit area of ​​5 determined types of buildings. These five types of buildings are: residential and non-residential buildings; public works buildings for agriculture; public works buildings for roads, bridges and ports; buildings for electricity, gas, drinking water, and communication installations; as well as other buildings.

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