September 17, 2021 | BPS Activities
BPS Boyolali Regency again carried out the 2021 Susenas MSBP activity. This activity began to be carried out on September 17, 2021 with the identification of households in 20 selected Census Blocks.
The identification procedure is as follows:
- Report and permit to the chairman/manager of SLS
- Together with the head/manager of the SLS to identify the presence of the household listed in the VSEN21.IDENT list
- Verify directly with the household if the head of the SLS does not have information on the whereabouts of the household
The National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) is the main basis for meeting the government's needs in implementing national development so that it is in line with international development goals (Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Susenas is collected by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to provide portrait of development progress. The portrait must be accurate and can be trusted by the public at large. Susenas September/MSBP 2021 is one of the routine surveys of BPS which provides development data in the socio-economic sector at the national and provincial levels.
The National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) is one of the most important sources of household socioeconomic data in Indonesia. Susenas data has been widely used by various groups, both at home and abroad. Therefore, the continuity of the availability and quality of Susenas data must be maintained and improved. The quality of the survey data is influenced by two things, namely sampling error and non-sampling error. Quality data must have the lowest possible sampling error and non-sampling error. In an effort to obtain quality data, various guidebooks have been compiled that contain information on the Susenas as a whole.
The MSBP 2021 Susenas data collection includes 75,000 households in the regular census block, excluding those living in special census blocks, such as military complexes and the like, as well as special households in the regular census blocks. The sample households were enumerated using the Susenas Questionnaire for the Social Culture and Education Module (VSEN21.MSBP) and the Consumption/Expenditure Questionnaire (VSEN21.KP).
No. Description of Activities Schedule
(1) (2) (3)
1 Identification of Susenas MSBP 2021 Samples 17-20 September 2021
2 Enumeration of sample households September 21 –
October 16, 2021
3 Monitoring, checking, editing, and coding 17 September –
October 16, 2021
4 Submission of the results of the enumeration to BPS Regency/City 27 September –
October 16, 2021
List used in the 2021 MSBP Susenas:
No. List Type Description
(1) (2) (3)
1 BS Map Sketch (WB-2020) A tool to identify the selected census block area as a sample
2 VSEN21.IDENT List of Household Identification
3 VSEN21.DSRT List of Selected Household Samples (2 copies)
4 VSEN21.MSBP Socio-Cultural Module Questionnaire
5 VSEN21.KP Consumption/Expenditure Questionnaire
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Boyolali (Statistics of Boyolali Regency)Jl. Raya Boyolali-Solo Km. 2 Mojosongo Boyolali Jawa Tengah 57322
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