2021 E-Commerce Survey, “Strengthening Economic Resilience for Quality Growth” - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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2021 E-Commerce Survey, “Strengthening Economic Resilience for Quality Growth”

2021 E-Commerce Survey, “Strengthening Economic Resilience for Quality Growth”

September 1, 2021 | BPS Activities

The new era of globalization has begun with the increasing contribution of the digital aspect to the economy. Supported by increasingly sophisticated technology and infrastructure, the convenience and speed offered in a digital-based economy has globalized the pattern of supply and demand of economic actors from various sides, such as: marketing, purchasing, and product distribution; payment system, and so on. Now, buying and selling products can be done in the palm of a finger based on an electronic network. This is what is called E-Commerce. The presence of E-Commerce not only contributes to changing people's consumption patterns and lifestyles, but also creates new economic opportunities for individuals to become entrepreneurs who in the future are expected to expand employment opportunities.

Based on research by the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef), the total contribution of the digital economy to Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2018 was Rp. 814 trillion or 5.5% of GDP, and added 5.7 million jobs. new or 4.5% of the total workforce. The high potential of the digital economy has prompted the government to issue several regulations related to E-Commerce, such as the XIV Economic Policy Package which regulates the electronic-based economy, Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 74 of 2017 concerning the Roadmap for the Electronic-Based National Trading System or SPNBE, and Government Regulation (PP) Number 80 of 2019 concerning Trading Through the Electronic System (PMSE). With the issuance of these regulations, the government sees the need for more complete data availability and can map the development of E-Commerce in Indonesia, as evidence based policy making in policy formulation and decision making.

In the context of mapping E-Commerce in Indonesia, BPS continues to collect data on E-Commerce based on household and company businesses to obtain an overview of the development of E-Commerce businesses in Indonesia, from the perspective of E-Commerce business actors. The E-Commerce data collection method, which will be carried out in 2021, will adapt to the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the current Digital Era. The use of ICT in data collection methods is unavoidable, in line with the increasing needs of society in the current Digital Age, which requires fast, easy, and accurate data and information at anytime and anywhere. For this reason, the 2021 E-Commerce data collection will be directed at the Go Digital method, based on CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) and CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing).

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