BRIEFING OFFICERS OF SURVEY OF PAW - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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July 7, 2020 | BPS Activities

After completing the Distribution Distribution Survey (POLDIS) briefing, the Tourism Attraction Survey (VDTW) and Restaurant Survey, the Inter-Regional Trade Survey (PAW) briefing was continued on the same day, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. The briefing began at 13:00 WIB until 15:30 WIB and followed by 10 participants consisting of 8 statistical partners 2 BPS staff members in Boyolali Regency, while the material provider was the Head of Distribution Statistics. The briefing was also opened by the Head of Boyolali Regency BPS, Drs. Sugita, MM, who advised the officers to always obey the schedule of implementation and SOP of the survey, and still prioritize data quality. It is expected that with this briefing, officers can produce higher quality and accurate data.

Inter-regional Trade Survey (PAW) is one of the annual activities of Distribution Statistics that aims to obtain data in the form of values ​​and volumes and maps of trade between regions. The survey was simultaneously carried out in all provinces, covering provincial capitals, several SBH cities and selected potential commodity districts in the first week to the fourth week of July 2018. The scope of businesses / companies selected as samples in this survey are those engaged in Mining and Excavation (Category B), Manufacturing Industry (Category C) and Trade (Category G). Boyolali Regency itself received 11 sample businesses / companies of the UMB (Medium and Large Enterprises) category C and category G which are spread in various districts. The success of this survey is very dependent on the cooperation and availability of UMB owners / managers to provide the required data.

After completing the briefing, the officer was asked to sign an Integrity Pact containing the commitment of the officers to maintain the integrity of each assignment, maintain the good name of BPS, comply with all field SOPs and not be willing to accept gratuities / tribute from anyone related to the survey. This is an effort of BPS Boyolali Regency to always foster the spirit of integrity of employees and partners in carrying out every task given.

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