Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) by Business Field, Boyolali Regency 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) by Business Field, Boyolali Regency 2020

Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) by Business Field, Boyolali Regency 2020Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : April 12, 2021
File Size : 0.51 MB


• Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) based on current prices in 2020 amounted to 32,671.75 billion rupiah, a slight increase compared to the previous year of 32,665.98 billion rupiah.

• Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) at constant prices in 2020 decreased to 22,399.52 billion rupiah in 2020 when compared to the previous year of 22,681.10 billion rupiah.

• The top three contributors to Boyolali Regency GRDP in 2020 were the processing industry sector by 30.14 percent, the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector by 22.49 percent, and the wholesale and retail trade, car and motorcycle repair sectors at 12.42 percent.

• The growth rate of Boyolali Regency GRDP in 2020 experienced a contraction of -1.24. The growth rate in the transportation and warehousing sectors experienced the largest contraction, amounting to -42.10. Meanwhile, the largest positive growth rate in 2020 is in the information and communication sector, amounting to 18.58.

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