Development of the Consumer Price Index / Inflation in March 2021, Central Java Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Development of the Consumer Price Index / Inflation in March 2021, Central Java Province

Development of the Consumer Price Index / Inflation in March 2021, Central Java ProvinceDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : April 6, 2021
File Size : 1.51 MB


In March 2021, Central Java experienced inflation of 0.08 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 106.01. Of the six CPI cities in Central Java, five cities experienced inflation and one city experienced deflation.

The main cause of inflation in Central Java in March 2021 is the increase in the price of shallots, rice with side dishes, cayenne pepper, wages for household assistants, and cooking oil. The main barrier to inflation in Central Java is the decline in prices for cars, red chilies, gold jewelry, rice and squid.

The inflation rate for the calendar year March 2021 is 0.47 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (March 2021 against March 2020) is 1.47 percent.

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