In January 2020 Surakarta City experienced inflation of 0.14 percent with a Consumer Price Index of 103.33. This inflation was caused by an increase in prices as indicated by an increase in the consumer price index. Expenditure groups that experienced an increase in the price index, namely: food, beverages and tobacco, rose 1.32 percent, housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels increased 0.10 percent, equipment, equipment and household routine maintenance groups rose 0 .18 percent, the health group rose 2.32 percent, the recreation, sports and culture group rose 0.38 percent and the food and beverage/restaurant provision group rose 0.88 percent. In contrast, the transportation group fell 1.06 percent, the information, communication and financial services group fell 0.04 percent, the education group fell 3.59 percent and the personal care and other services group fell 0.07 percent. Meanwhile, the clothing and footwear groups were relatively stable.
The inflation rate for the January 2020 calendar year was 0.14 percent, while the year on year inflation rate (January 2020 to January 2019) was 2.00 percent.
Of the 6 cities in Central Java Province whose inflation rates were calculated, in January 2020 there were 4 cities experiencing inflation. The highest inflation occurred in Tegal at 0.34 percent, followed by Purwokerto at 0.32 percent, Surakarta at 0.14 percent and Semarang at 0.06 percent. On the other hand, deflation occurred in Cilacap City by 0.03 percent and Kudus by 0.01 percent.
Of the 90 national CPI cities, 79 cities experienced inflation and 11 cities experienced deflation. The city that experienced the highest inflation was Meulaboh at 1.44 percent and the lowest inflation occurred in Gorontalo at 0.03 percent. On the other hand, the largest deflation occurred in the city of Bau-bau at 1.39 percent and the smallest deflation occurred in the city of Kudus at 0.01 percent.