Tile Survey Supervision in Juwangi District - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Tile Survey Supervision in Juwangi District

Tile Survey Supervision in Juwangi District

January 9, 2025 | BPS Activities

On January 9, 2025, the Head of BPS Boyolali Regency, Sutirin, along with the BPS Boyolali Regency agriculture team supervised the implementation of the secondary crop tiling survey in Juwangi District. The purpose of the Tiling Survey is to obtain the level of rice and secondary crop productivity, where the methods used in the Tiling Survey are different for these two types of commodities. The Rice Tiling Survey uses an area frame using data from the Area Sample Framework (KSA), the KSA-based Rice Tiling Survey sample is a selected KSA subsegment. Meanwhile, the Secondary Crop Tiling Survey is carried out using a household approach, where before the tiling is carried out on selected farming households, an update is first carried out on the selected census blocks that have been identified as potential census blocks with the requirement that the census block contains at least 3 secondary crop commodity households and is located in a sub-district that has a secondary crop harvest area. The Tiling Survey was conducted using a 2.5 x 2.5 meter tiling tool on randomly selected plots in the Secondary Crop Tiling Survey with the Random Tiling Number application and selected plots from the KSA Survey subsegment in the KSA-based Rice Tiling Survey activity. The weight of the tiling results was recorded in the SUB-S questionnaire followed by interviews with respondent farmers to find out other things related to the respondent's farming efforts such as the coordinates of the tiling location, type of land, planting method, jajar legowo planting system (specifically for rice), type of production increase activities, number of seeds used, type of seed variety used (specifically for rice and corn), amount of fertilizer used, information on how to control pests/OPT attacks, information on seed assistance, fertilizer, agricultural tools and machinery and other information.
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