Photographing the Tourism Conditions of Boyolali Regency with the VHTL Survey and VDTW Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Photographing the Tourism Conditions of Boyolali Regency with the VHTL Survey and VDTW Survey

Photographing the Tourism Conditions of Boyolali Regency with the VHTL Survey and VDTW Survey

July 10, 2024 | BPS Activities

The tourism sector is one sector that has an important role in national economic development. Apart from being a source of foreign exchange, tourism is also a sector that can absorb labor. Tourism has a positive impact on the national economy. This can be seen from the contribution of tourism to national GDP and the employment absorption capacity in the tourism sector. Data from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy shows that the contribution of tourism to national GDP has continued to increase since 2004.
The growth of the accommodation business has a reciprocal relationship that is closely related to the development of the tourism sector. The potential of the tourism sector shows rapid development, this can be seen from the growth of accommodation businesses as a tourism supporting element in Central Java which are mushrooming in the form of hotels, inns, tourist lodges, homestays and other accommodation business classes.
Boyolali Regency has a lot of tourism potential, starting from its natural potential which consists of land, mountains, reservoirs as well as its cultural potential, traditional customs, historical heritage, industrial potential and others. This good potential cannot yet be managed properly. This causes the development of the Boyolali Regency tourism sector to be still not as good as other districts and cities in Central Java. However, as the government's efforts to develop tourism potential improve, it is hoped that this will increase the value of tourism itself as well as increase income for the region.
As a sector that has a strategic role in supporting economic growth and development in Boyolali Regency, the Boyolali Regency Government is making efforts to improve this tourism sector, so that it is able to play a role as a reliable source of foreign exchange. The development of the tourism sector can be measured through several indicators that influence it, including looking at the development of the number of hotels, the number of guests staying overnight, the occupancy rate of hotel rooms, and so on.
Building without data will certainly be expensive. Data is needed to develop policies to develop the tourism sector. The Annual Accommodation Services Survey (VHTL) and Tourist Attraction Survey are tourism statistics surveys which aim to look at the characteristics and development of accommodation services and tourist attraction objects. This survey was carried out from June to August 2024. The sample in Boyolali Regency was 28 accommodation service businesses and 13 tourist attraction businesses.
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