Briefing of the Survey Officer of the Company/Accommodation Provider Service Business (VHTL) in 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Briefing of the Survey Officer of the Company/Accommodation Provider Service Business (VHTL) in 2022

Briefing of the Survey Officer of the Company/Accommodation Provider Service Business (VHTL) in 2022

August 4, 2022 | BPS Activities

Tourism is a traveling activity that is carried out by a person temporarily from one place of origin to another (tourist destination), solely to enjoy sightseeing or recreational activities in order to fulfill diverse desires. These activities involve various tourism industries that have close links such as transportation, accommodation/lodging services, restaurants, tour guides, and others. These tourism industries play a very important role in tourism development.

In carrying out its role, the tourism industry must apply the concepts and regulations as well as applicable guidelines in tourism development in order to be able to maintain and increase the number of tourist visits which will lead to the provision of economic benefits for the tourism industry and local communities. The tourism industries that play a very important role in tourism development include the accommodation service business or the hotel industry. So that the development of the tourism industry, especially the accommodation/hospitality service industry, is increasingly important, not only to increase tourist comfort, but also for the economic impact it causes, such as increasing income, expanding job opportunities, and business opportunities.


The main function of the hotel is as a means to meet the needs of guests (tourists or travelers) as a temporary residence. In general, the main needs of the guests in the hotel are rest, sleep, bath, eat, drink, entertainment and others. However with the development and progress of hotels today, the function of the hotel is not only as a place to stay or rest for guests, but its function is increasing as a destination for conferences, seminars, workshops, national deliberations and such activities which of course require complete facilities and infrastructure. Thus the function of the hotel as a commercial facility serves not only to stay, rest, eat and drink but also as a place to carry out various activities in accordance with the purpose of establishing the hotel.


Based on this description, it is considered important to collect data and information regarding accommodation service companies/businesses. The collection of statistical data on hotels and accommodations is carried out regularly every year. The name and address of the hotel were obtained from the results of the previous year's field data collection. So that for the implementation of 2022, the list of hotel names and addresses is becoming more complete.


Taking place in the BPS hall of Boyolali Regency, a briefing for VHTL officers was held. The activity, which was conducted on Thursday, August 4, 2022, involved 14 enumerators and 3 supervisors, all of whom were organic from BPS Boyolali Regency. The purpose of holding this activity is to obtain specific characteristics (profile) of business activities/accommodation companies; obtain an overview of the characteristics of the workforce of business activities/accommodation companies; get an overview of the structure of income and costs/expenditures as well as additions and subtractions of capital goods; obtain data on raw materials used by accommodation businesses; and obtain data/information on the number of guests in the accommodation business and its relation to capital ownership and the environment.

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