Directions for Using the FASIH Application for Rice Tiles - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Directions for Using the FASIH Application for Rice Tiles

Directions for Using the FASIH Application for Rice Tiles

January 15, 2024 | BPS Activities

On Monday 15 January 2024, a briefing was held on the use of the FASIH application in the implementation of Padi tiles later. The briefing participants were all KSA-based Ubinan Padi officers and supervisors. The FASIH application is one of the choices for conducting surveys because it uses the latest technology. Mr Sri Indriyatno, S.ST, M.Si who provided briefing material explained the use of technology which is the trigger for successful statistical business processes and improving data quality at BPS. The application that uses the ICS framework is FASIH (Flexible and Authentic Survey Instrument Harmony). Can be installed on each HP device of each Ubinan survey officer.
The Ubinan Survey was carried out based on an Area Sample framework to obtain targeted samples. Estimates of the sub-segments that will be harvested are obtained from observations of the rice growth phase two or three months earlier. Coordination between KSA officers and farmers is needed so that they can contact the owners/managers of land affected by samples (main/reserve) early or those detected to be harvested early. During implementation in the field, survey officers only bring a tile tool and cellphone which will be used to fill out the survey in the FASIH application without bringing paper to the field. With the FASIH application, it is hoped that data obtained in the field can be directly processed to produce higher quality data.
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