CAPI data collection with the Fluent Application as a form of BPS Supporting the Gogreen Movement - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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CAPI data collection with the Fluent Application as a form of BPS Supporting the Gogreen Movement

CAPI data collection with the Fluent Application as a form of BPS Supporting the Gogreen Movement

March 20, 2024 | BPS Activities

In line with the Gogreen movement, one of which is paperless and also in line with developments in IT technology, BPS has carried out several innovations in the census and survey activities it carries out. Central BPS through the Directorate of Statistical Information Systems has published a smart application, an application that limits the use of paper documents as a medium for gathering information. With this application, it is hoped that friends in the area will find it easier, more efficient and faster to complete it. This application was published by Central BPS under the name Fasih.
The Hotel Occupancy Level Survey (VHTS), one of the Distribution Statistics and KTIP surveys which is carried out every month is a BPS survey using the Fasih application in 2024.
The Fluent application can be installed on your cellphone by downloading it from Playstore. Of course, every application has advantages and disadvantages. According to regional friends, the advantages and disadvantages of the Fasih application will always be good input for Central BPS, so the version of the application will always be updated to make it easier to use.
From the evaluation of the use of the Fluent Application in VHTS Survey activities, the advantages include:
• Support the Gogreen Program by reducing paper use
• Can be downloaded directly from Playstore and does not take up memory capacity
• Easy operation by just using a cellphone
• High level of consistency, because there are warnings recorded in the summary
• Activity results can be sent directly from the respondent's location and from anywhere
Meanwhile, the drawback of the Fasih application is that the signal is not strong enough and you have to use the internet to send activity reports.
In the future, it is hoped that the Fasih Application can make survey and census data collection more efficient and capable of producing up to date and accurate data.
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