Coordination with the Regent in the Context of the 2023 Agricultural Census and FKP Regsosek - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Coordination with the Regent in the Context of the 2023 Agricultural Census and FKP Regsosek

Coordination with the Regent in the Context of the 2023 Agricultural Census and FKP Regsosek

March 29, 2023 | BPS Activities

On March 29, 2023 BPS Boyolali Regency coordinated with the Boyolali Regency Government regarding the activities of the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) and the Regsosek Public Consultation Forum (FKP).
ST2023 was carried out to accommodate variables for the completeness of agricultural data which is developing very dynamically, answering data needs both at the national and international levels, and is designed to obtain international standard results with reference to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) program known as the World Program for the Cencus of Agriculture (WCA). In order to gain international comparability, the Agricultural Census will be carried out as close as possible to 2020.
As the main prerequisite for Social Protection System Reform, data transformation towards Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) is an effort to change the provision of integrated and accurate socio-economic data. Regsosek's initial data collection will produce integrated data not only for social protection programs but also data on the socio-economic conditions of families needed for more focused development planning. This is reflected in the variables collected, namely Population and Employment, Social Protection, Housing, Education, Health and Disability, and Economic Empowerment. Therefore, all parties involved in this activity must have high enthusiasm and commitment to make it successful.
Field data collection and processing has been completed. To strengthen these results, discussions involving the community will be held through the Public Consultation Forum (FKP). This forum opens space for participation from the public as well as control over the compilation of government social protection data. The FKP process will be complex because it involves the community and personnel from outside BPS. For this reason, this book was compiled as a reference in field implementation.
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