SP2020-Advanced Update Processing - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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SP2020-Advanced Update Processing

SP2020-Advanced Update Processing

May 26, 2022 | BPS Activities

The processing of documents resulting from the SP2020-Advanced updating activity started a few days ago. This activity was carried out by entry staff who had attended processing training in the 2nd Floor Hall of BPS Boyolali Regency. This process went well, because BPS Boyolali Regency implemented the 212 strategy and the conveyor belt processing process, meaning that the field activities were carried out for the first 2 (two) days, then 1 day for the fireplace activity, the results from the field and so on were submitted to the team coordinator for inspection and from the team it was submitted. to Koseka to be sent to BPS Boyolali Regency, which is then submitted to the IPDS team for processing. Processing supervision is always carried out by the IPDS Team coordinated by Br. Harry Rinawan. With this supervision, the data entry process can run smoothly and if there is a problem there can be a solution. Hopefully, with the 212 strategy and this conveyor belt processing system, the processing can be carried out according to the specified time.

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