Coordination at the District and Village/Kelurahan levels in the context of SP2020-Advanced - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Coordination at the District and Village/Kelurahan levels in the context of SP2020-Advanced

Coordination at the District and Village/Kelurahan levels in the context of SP2020-Advanced

May 17, 2022 | BPS Activities

On the first working day, Tuesday, May 17, 2022, field survey officers (PPL), Team Coordinators (Kortim) and District Census Coordinators (Koseka) were used to coordinate with selected sub-district and village/kelurahan level governments in the Boyolali Regency area. On this auspicious occasion, in addition to making introductions, the meaning, purpose and objectives of the 2020-Advanced Population Census were also conveyed to Mr/Mrs the Camat and Mr/Mrs the Village Head/Lurah. With the hope of understanding and understanding this SP2020-Advanced, as well as providing support and assistance so that community members in their respective areas can receive SP2020-Advanced officers and can provide factual information, according to the actual situation, so that quality data will be obtained and can be trusted, so that it can be utilized optimally by both central and regional governments.
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