Opening of SP2020-LF Officer Training Batch 2 (11-15 May 2022) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Opening of SP2020-LF Officer Training Batch 2 (11-15 May 2022)

Opening of SP2020-LF Officer Training Batch 2 (11-15 May 2022)

May 12, 2022 | BPS Activities

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 BPS Boyolali Regency again held the opening of the SP2020-LF officer training at the Lorin Hotel. The training schedule for this wave starts on May 11, 2022 until May 15, 2022. It begins with the reading of a prayer by Mr. Nur Ikhsani, with the hope that the training will run smoothly and successfully. The opening of the training was carried out by the Head of BPS Boyolali Regency, Drs. Sugita, MM which is marked by beating the gong. In this opening remarks, a message was conveyed from the Central Java Province BPS leadership. In this speech, the leadership expressed his gratitude for the participation of the participants, and it is hoped that they can take the training seriously, seriously so that the material presented by the instructor can be well received. In its implementation, it is hoped that the 212 strategy can be implemented by the officers, with the hope that it will be in line with the processing of the data collection results. At the end of his remarks, it was also conveyed that we are still in a state of the covid-19 pandemic, so we still have to maintain health protocols, namely wearing masks, washing hands with running water and soap, and maintaining distance. Hopefully during the training they will be given health and later during its implementation, the participants will stay healthy, keep the spirit, carry out the SOP that has been submitted, so that the activities can be carried out according to the schedule that has been determined, amen YRA. ️
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