Inauguration of Officials in BPS Central Java Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Inauguration of Officials in BPS Central Java Province

Inauguration of Officials in BPS Central Java Province

June 22, 2020 | Other Activities

Monday, January 22, 2019, the Central Statistics Agency of Central Java Province held the inauguration of officials of Echelon III and Echelon IV Officials. The event was held starting at 09.00 WIB, led by the Head of Central Java Province BPS and attended by all Central Java BPS employees and Regency / City BPS through the zoom and youtube streaming application. Officials appointed were 2 Echelon III officials and 96 Echelon IV officials.

Boyolali Regency BPS itself has three officials inaugurated, namely Fendy Ardyanto, S.ST, M.Sc as Head of Subdivision of Administration, Sunardi, S.ST, M.Sc as Head of Distribution Statistics and Sub-Department Sukmono Putro, S.ST, M.EC .Dev as Head of Social Statistics.

In the event, the Head of BPS of Central Java Province gave a message to officials who were appointed to understand the vision and mission of BPS 2020-2024, never stopping to upgrade themselves, maintain the spirit of realizing work units with WBK predicate, new normal-new behavior and always utilize government support regions for the success of the BPS task.

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