Socialization of 2020 Population Census in BPS Boyolali Regency Family Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Socialization of 2020 Population Census in BPS Boyolali Regency Family Meeting

Socialization of 2020 Population Census in BPS Boyolali Regency Family Meeting

December 21, 2019 | Other Activities

The meeting, which is held every three months, is a gathering event for the BPS extended family in Boyolali, which consists of employees, spouses and children. This integrated meeting with the Dharma Wanita meeting took place at the employee's home in turn. The idea of ​​holding this activity is to strengthen the family and become a place to socialize various BPS activities among Dharma Wanita mothers.

The fifth meeting which was held on Saturday, December 21, 2019 began at 10:00 with the Dhama Wanita meeting opened by Ms. Tantinah, as chairman. Then proceed with reports from the fields of activity. Unlike before, the meeting was presented with the socialization of the 2020 Population Census by Ms. Aguslina Astrawati, who had been trained in the Dharma Wanita Rakor in Central Java Province. It was said that it was hoped that Dharma Wanita mothers could become agents for the socialization of the 2020 Population Census in their respective neighborhoods. The statement was also supported by Mr. Sugita, Head of the Boyolali District BPS, who appealed for the entire BPS Boyolali extended family to know the stages of the 2020 Population Census and be able to help socialize with the surrounding community. Because no matter how small our efforts to help socialize, it is very meaningful to support the success of the 2020 Population Census.

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