Boyolali Wage Council Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Boyolali Wage Council Meeting

Boyolali Wage Council Meeting

November 4, 2019 | Other Activities

There are several proposals from each element, where FKSPN proposes Rp. 2,347,000.00 based on the KHL survey conducted by FKSPN itself, while Gasbindo proposed Rp. 1,960,000.00. 

From the element of entrepreneur / Apindo itself, it still proposes in accordance with PP No. 78 of 2015 which uses inflation and national economic growth as the basis, namely Rp. 1,942,329.00, rounded to Rp. 1,942,500.00. The three magnitudes of these proposals are still contained in the Minutes of the Proposed Material for Boyolali District Minimum Wage Recommendations which will then be submitted to the Boyolali District Head and then determined as a Boyolali District MSE proposal by one number.



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