May 24, 2019 | Other Activities
Head of the Subdirectorate of Communication and Information Technology Statistics, Eni Lestariningsih, S.Si, MA along with the Head of Commerce and Services Statistics, Ade Sandi Parwoto, S.ST, MM along with their staff visited and supervised the BPS of Boyolali Regency on Friday, the 24th May 2019. Accompanied by Head of BPS Boyolali Regency, Drs. Sugita, MM and Head of Distribution Statistics Section, Fendy Ardyanto, S.ST, M.Sc.
In this visit the progress of a number of tourism statistics surveys in 2019 which have already begun was carried out, including the Hotel Room Occupancy Survey (VHTS) which is a monthly survey, Accommodation Services Survey (VHTL), Tourism Industry Survey and Archipelago Tourist Survey. BPS Boyolali Regency has carried out all tourism statistics surveys according to the implementation schedule. The Supervision Team delivered input and motivation so that the BPS of Boyolali Regency can always carry out survey activities in accordance with the established SOPs and comply with the predetermined activity schedule. In addition, it also provides input to regulate the workload of employees in a balanced manner in the midst of a very busy workflow.
During the visit, the Head of BPS of Boyolali Regency was given the opportunity to convey some constructive input and criticism to the Indonesian BPS as the person in charge of forming the survey design and methodology. It is hoped that in the future surveys with the same sample, especially for large medium-sized companies / businesses to be integrated, consider that there are many companies / businesses in Boyolali Regency that get 3 to 6 different types of surveys. In a sense, this is a factor in the size of the response rate of the sample companies.
Hopefully after this supervision has a positive impact on the existing management at BPS Boyolali Regency.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Boyolali (Statistics of Boyolali Regency)Jl. Raya Boyolali-Solo Km. 2 Mojosongo Boyolali Jawa Tengah 57322
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