Release of Sub-Division Head of Administration BPS Boyolali Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Release of Sub-Division Head of Administration BPS Boyolali Regency

Release of Sub-Division Head of Administration BPS Boyolali Regency

June 5, 2020 | Other Activities

As with day and night, meetings and separations are an inseparable part of life. But still must be passed. After almost two years the Sub-Division Head of Administration of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Boyolali Regency, Ratna Sulistyowati, S.ST, MT, MA together with us underwent joys and sorrows together, then finally the time came when we had to release him to occupy a new position.

Friday, June 5, 2020 is the day we release him. The release event was held in the BPS Office Hall of Boyolali Regency. Starting with the delivery of impressions and messages by the employee / employee, and ending with the gift giving.

Thanks to Ms. Ratna, thank you for all the outstanding performances, loyalty to be proud of and high dedication to BPS Boyolali Regency. Many things that Ibu Ratna has given to our beloved BPS so that it feels like a thank you is not enough to reply. We wish you a successful path with our heart-warming goodbye.
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