Central Java Tourism Statistics Development in August 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Central Java Tourism Statistics Development in August 2020

Central Java Tourism Statistics Development in August 2020Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 1, 2020
File Size : 0.9 MB


  • The number of domestic flight passengers who came to Central Java in August 2020 was 43 168 people, up 12.14 percent compared to July, which was 38 496 people. This month Dewadaru Jepara airport is still not operating for a while

    The total number of sea transportation passenger departures (embarkations) through the sea ports of Tanjung Emas Semarang, Jepara and Karimunjawa Seaports in August 2020 was 9 852 people, up 21.23 percent compared to July which totaled 8 127 people. Meanwhile, the number of arrivals (debarkation) of sea transport passengers in August 2020 was recorded at 9 174 people, up 15.01 percent compared to July which was 7 977 people.

    The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of star hotels in Central Java in August 2020 was recorded at 28.92 percent, an increase of 4.16 points compared to the ROR for July which was recorded at 24.76 percent

    The average length of stay (RLM) of star hotel guests in August 2020 was recorded at 1.30 nights, down 0.01 points compared to July which was recorded at 1.31 nights

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