In June 2020 in Jawa Tengah, Exports and Imports had Increased and the Trade Balance was a Surplus of US$ 151.33 Million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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In June 2020 in Jawa Tengah, Exports and Imports had Increased and the Trade Balance was a Surplus of US$ 151.33 Million

In June 2020 in Jawa Tengah, Exports and Imports had Increased and the Trade Balance was a Surplus of US$ 151.33 MillionDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 3, 2020
File Size : 1.03 MB


The value of Jawa Tengah's exports in June 2020 was US $ 632.23 million, up 38.52 percent compared to exports in May 2020. The value of Jawa Tengah's imports in June 2020 was US $ 480.90 million, up 8.82 percent compared to May 2020 imports. Jawa Tengah's trade balance in June 2020 surplus of US $ 151.33 million.
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