Release Date | : | December 3, 2019 |
File Size | : | 0.72 MB |
√ The total workforce in Boyolali District
in August 2019 was 552,006 people, in line with the Labor Force Participation
Rate (TPAK) of 72.39 percent.
√ Boyolali Regency Open Unemployment Rate
(TPT) in August 2019 was 3.12 percent. Judging from the level of education, the
number of unemployed for Vocational High School (SMK) graduates is highest
among other education levels, which is 43 percent of total unemployment
(appendix 2).
√ The majority of the population working in
the agricultural business field was 152,892 people (28.6 percent), down 4
percentage points from August 2018. The population working in the manufacturing
category was 178,586 people (33.40), an increase of 11, 99 percent point.
√ Of the 552,006 people who worked,
approximately two-thirds (63.19 percent) had low education (SMP Down).
Meanwhile, 29.57 percent had secondary education (high school and vocational
school) while the rest had high education (7.24) percent (figure 4).
A total of 317,895 (59.44 percent) of the population worked in informal
activities and the percentage dropped by 5.26 percentage points compared to
August 2018.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Boyolali (Statistics of Boyolali Regency)Jl. Raya Boyolali-Solo Km. 2 Mojosongo Boyolali Jawa Tengah 57322
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