Economics Central Java First Quarter - 2018 Grew 5.41% - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Economics Central Java First Quarter - 2018 Grew 5.41%

Economics Central Java First Quarter - 2018 Grew 5.41%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 7, 2018
File Size : 0.36 MB


Central Java's economy based on Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices in quarter I-2018 reached Rp 310,644.31 billion and at constant 2010 prices reached Rp 228,752.27 billion.
The economy of Central Java in quarter I-2018 grew 5.41 percent (y-on-y). In terms of production, growth is driven by all business fields, with the highest growth achieved by the Information and Communication Business Field which grew 15.86 percent. From the expenditure side, driven by the growth of all the components that strengthened..
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