Economic growth of Jawa Tengah in Q2-2016 (y-on-y) achieve 5.75 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Economic growth of Jawa Tengah in Q2-2016 (y-on-y) achieve 5.75 Percent

Economic growth of Jawa Tengah in Q2-2016 (y-on-y) achieve 5.75 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 5, 2016
File Size : 0.68 MB


  • Jawa Tengah economy as measured by the amount of Gross Regional Domestic Product ( GRDP) at current prices the second quarter of 2016 reached 273,274.79 billion rupiahs and at constant prices of 2010 reached  212,321.52 billion rupiahs.
  • Economy of Jawa Tengah in the second quarter of 2016 y on y grew 5.75 percent , rose from the same period the previous year grew 5.06 percent . On the production side , the highest growth by Business Sector Mining and Quarrying ( 15.26 % ), in terms of expenditure, the highest growth achieved by Component Consumption Expenditures Non Profit Organization which grew 9.04 percent.
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