Profile of Poverty in Central Java province in March 2012 Number of Poor March 2012 Reach 4.977 Million People - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Profile of Poverty in Central Java province in March 2012 Number of Poor March 2012 Reach 4.977 Million People

Profile of Poverty in Central Java province in March 2012 Number of Poor March 2012 Reach 4.977 Million PeopleDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 2, 2012
File Size : 0.13 MB


The number of poor people (the population under the poverty line) in Central Java province in March 2012 reached 4.977 million people (15.34 percent), reduced 130 thousand people (0.42 percent) when compared with the poor in March 2011 which amounted to 5.107 million people (15.76 percent).
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