The Boyolali Regency Central Statistics Agency provides 4 statistical services, namely library services, statistical consultation services, statistical product sales services, and statistical activity recommendation services. The Boyolali Regency BPS statistical services are located at the Integrated Statistics Service (PST) at the Boyolali Regency BPS Office and at the Boyolali Regency Public Service Mall (MPP). In improving public services, in addition to adding facilities and infrastructure, the Boyolali Regency BPS has also prepared Public Service Standards (SPP) and increased the competence of statistical service officers.
Public service standards are used as guidelines for the implementation of services and references for assessing the quality of services as obligations and promises of organizers to the community in the context of quality, fast, easy, affordable, and orderly services. There are 14 (fourteen) components in the public service standards including service delivery components (6 components) and manufacturing components (8 components).
On December 19, 2024, the Boyolali Regency BPS held an FGD on Public Service Standards with the main agenda of reviewing existing Public Service Standards while improving the competence of service officers at PST and MPP. The FGD was attended by representatives of experts/specialists, representatives of service stakeholders, representatives of service providers, representatives of the community, representatives of the media, and representatives of students. On that occasion, BPS Boyolali Regency received a lot of input in conducting the SPP review. In improving the competence of service officers, a resource person from DPMPTSP was present, namely Mr. Purnawan Raharjo, S.pd, MM as the Head of the DPMPTSP Service. The theme presented by the resource person was improving public services through a culture of excellent service.