Cepogo Cheese Park Statistics Socialization Activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Cepogo Cheese Park Statistics Socialization Activities

Cepogo Cheese Park Statistics Socialization Activities

December 2, 2024 | Other Activities

Sunday, December 1, 2024. BPS Boyolali Regency conducted Statistics Socialization Activities in various public facilities. This activity involved all employees, outsourcing, and interns, as well as all families of BPS Boyolali Regency employees and outsourcing.
Before heading to Cepogo Cheese Park, BPS Boyolali Regency was divided into several teams to go to the target places for the Socialization Activities, namely the first at the Boyolali Circuit arena where at this point 25 goodie bag packages were distributed containing leaflets in the form of information about activities and statistical data and also Hats. The second location is the Pancasila Cepogo Field where 59 leaflets were distributed and the last is the Sunggingan Market, at this location 25 leaflets were distributed.
At 7 am all employees, outsourcing, and interns, as well as all families of BPS Boyolali Regency employees and outsourcing gathered at Cepogo Cheese Park. At this location there were several series of activities, namely starting with doing SE jingle gymnastics by the entire BPS Boyolali Regency family. This exercise can attract the attention of visitors who are the target of the Statistics Socialization Activity. Where through the SE jingle exercise, BPS Boyolali Regency informs about the Economic Census activity in 2026. In addition to holding the SE jingle exercise, the entire BPS Boyolali Family also distributed socialization packages in the form of milk, leaflets and orange balloons to visitors. This activity was very enthusiastically followed by the BPS Boyolali Regency family. At the end of the event, a series of statistics socialization activities were closed with motivational briefings to improve good communication within the BPS Boyolali Regency family so that it can increase employee enthusiasm and performance for the progress of BPS Boyolali Regency.
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