Sectoral Statistics Development Team Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Sectoral Statistics Development Team Meeting

Sectoral Statistics Development Team Meeting

July 6, 2022 | Other Activities

Today, Wednesday, July 6, 2022, a Sector Statistics Development Team meeting is held. BPS as the builder of sectoral statistical data is obliged to provide guidance to Dinas/OPD as producers of sectoral statistical data.
The meeting was chaired directly by the Head of BPS Boyolali Regency, Drs. Sugita, MM. The purpose of the BPS internal meeting is to equalize perceptions related to sectoral statistics and their role in the National Statistics System (SNN) and the role of BPS in One Indonesian Data (SDI). The follow-up to today's meeting is the formation of 3 (three) teams that will conduct sectoral statistical development for the Office/OPD. Each team consists of 6 people, namely 3 people from BPS, 1 person from BP3D, 1 person from the Inspectorate and 1 person from Diskominfo.
In addition to providing sectoral statistical development, the team will also disseminate information regarding statistical recommendations and statistical metadata. There is an obligation for the Dinas/OPD to submit a statistical activity design to BPS and BPS will provide statistical recommendations. And any data generated from statistical activities must also be accompanied by metadata, both activity metadata, indicator metadata and variable metadata.
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