Discussion on the Implementation of MBKM Activities for FMIPA UNS Students - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Discussion on the Implementation of MBKM Activities for FMIPA UNS Students

Discussion on the Implementation of MBKM Activities for FMIPA UNS Students

June 17, 2022 | Other Activities

On Friday, June 17, 20222, BPS Boyolali Regency received a group visit from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University. This visit is a follow-up to the collaboration between FMIPA UNS and BPS Central Java Province. The group consisting of, Prof. Nuryani, PH.D, Ahmad Marzuki, Ph.D, Dr. Winita Sulandari, Dr. Hasih Pratiwi and Ririn Setiyowati, S.Si., M.Sc discuss in more detail and technically the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Independent (MBKM) activities for FMIPA students in the scope of work of BPS Boyolali Regency.

On this occasion, Prof. Nuryani, Ph.D as the group leader and also as the Coordinator of the UNS FMIPA Cooperation said that the internship which is usually done by students is only for one month, with the MBKM program, students do internships for 6 months to one year, which later this internship experience can be converted into 20 credits of courses. To make MBKM a success, internship programs are carried out off campus as a medium for students to gain real experience in the world of work.

Ahmad Marzuki, Ph.D as the Head of the Apprenticeship Unit and CDC FMIPA said that with the internship program at BPS Boyolali Regency, UNS students can explore as much experience as possible to prepare themselves for the world of work later. According to him, students will have practical knowledge not just theoretical, according to the needs of the world of work. Therefore, his party will first choose any study program that is related to the field of work at BPS Boyolali Regency.

Sugita, MA as Head of BPS Boyolali Regency, accompanied by the Head of the General Subdivision and Team Leader, expressed his readiness to participate in the internship program. He hopes that UNS students who take part in the internship program will be able to build their mentality, map existing problems and then solve them practically according to the knowledge they have. To provide an overview of the activities at BPS Boyolali Regency, each Head of the General Subdivision and Team Leader has given explanations related to activities in each function in front of this group from FMIPA UNS.
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