Exciting Retirement Preparation Period - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Exciting Retirement Preparation Period

Exciting Retirement Preparation Period

May 31, 2022 | Other Activities

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 was an exciting day for Mrs. Endang Suci Nugraheni. Because it was his last day to work in the BPS Boyolali Regency. Despite the current busy schedule, namely the SP2020-Advanced, the Head of BPS Boyolali Regency, Sugita, who was attended by most of the employees, went to Mrs. Endang's house, to convey her congratulations, and with this MPP it is hoped that Mrs. Endang will remain healthy and can work to devote herself. in society. Also conveyed his gratitude for his dedication and service so far at BPS, hopefully all of this will become a record of his good deeds. As well as apologies from all employees in the Boyolali Regency BPS environment to Mrs. Endang.

Congratulations on entering the Retirement Preparation Period as of June 1, 2022 to Mrs. Endang, hopefully always in the protection of Allah SWT and given health and safety, amen YRA

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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