March 7, 2022 | Other Activities
Monday, March 7, 2022, three students
from the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta did an internship at the Central
Statistics Agency (BPS) of Boyolali Regency. The student comes from the 6th
semester of the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business.
The internship program that has been submitted to the Central Statistics Agency
(BPS) of Boyolali Regency is for one month, starting from March 7, 2022 and
ending on April 8, 2022. The assignments given to these students are in
accordance with the functions that require them.
Every month, BPS Boyolali opens
internship acceptance for SMK (Vocational High School) students and from
college students. Responsible for the acceptance of apprentices managed by the
Head of Sub. General Section, namely Mr. Fendy Ardyanto, SST., M.Sc.
At the beginning of the internship,
the interns were given motivation and direction by Drs. Sugita, M.M. as Head of
the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Boyolali Regency. He said that it is
important to apply 3K behavior in an organization. The explanation of the 3K is
Collaboration (Collaboration), Coordination (Coordination), Communication
(Communication). In addition, he also conveyed the term "WHO WE ARE".
The term reveals that in every environment the organization or company must
maintain good manners and ethics. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of
Boyolali Regency is still implementing a hybrid system, where some employees
work WFH (Work From Home) and some work WFO (Work From Office) by implementing
health protocols (prokes) at work.
Before the internship starts, the
interns are given directions in advance regarding the tasks that will be given
to each apprentice in accordance with applicable regulations and policies and
can maintain ethical manners. The division of functions is for Desi Wulan
Romadhoni on social functions and Indah Elva Meidina Putri and Evy Nurhayati
Sri Hardini on Nerwilis functions. After the apprentices are given direction,
then the implementation of the division of tasks is directly handed over to
each function.
The hope that has been given by the
Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Boyolali Regency can be a lesson and
experience in the world of work for the Surakarta Muhammadiyah University
students for their career paths.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Boyolali (Statistics of Boyolali Regency)Jl. Raya Boyolali-Solo Km. 2 Mojosongo Boyolali Jawa Tengah 57322
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