SIPAREKRAF, BPS and BEKRAF's Efforts to Get a Business Profile for the Tourism and Creative Economy - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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SIPAREKRAF, BPS and BEKRAF's Efforts to Get a Business Profile for the Tourism and Creative Economy

SIPAREKRAF, BPS and BEKRAF's Efforts to Get a Business Profile for the Tourism and Creative Economy

September 2, 2021 | BPS Activities

The tourism sector is a sector that has the potential to be developed as a source of national income. The program for developing and utilizing regional tourism resources and potential is expected to contribute to economic development. The development of tourism also encourages and accelerates economic growth.

Tourism activities create demand, both consumption and investment, which in turn will lead to the production of goods and services. Tourists who shop or buy souvenirs, directly generate market demand for goods and services and indirectly create demand for capital goods and materials to produce to meet tourist demand for these goods and services. In an effort to meet tourist demand, investment in transportation and communications, hotels and other accommodations, handicraft and consumer product industries, service industries, restaurants and other industries is required.

The creative economy (Ekraf) is one sector that is expected to become a pillar of the Indonesian economy in the future. At this time, the growth of the creative economy in Indonesia shows a positive trend so that the development of this sector is one of the focuses of the government.

One of the important aspects in the development of the creative economy is the availability of statistical data and information to become the basis for policy and decision making, both for the government and creative economy actors. In order to fulfill these data needs, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Tourism and Creative Economy Agency collaborates with the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to compile Creative Economy statistics. Previously, from 2016 to 2018 there had been provision of creative economic statistical data between BPS and the Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf). After a vacuum in 2019 and 2020, in 2021 creative economy data will be available again.

To get an overall picture of the types of Tourism and Creative Economy businesses in Indonesia, it is necessary to prepare a database of these businesses as material for policy, evaluation and planning. Therefore, it is necessary to collect data, especially in the tourism business sector which is engaged in 8 sub-sectors, including Tourism Transportation Services Business, Travel Services Business, MICE Business, Tourism Information Services Business, Tourism Consulting Services Business, Tour Guide Business, and SPA Business. and 16 Creative Economy sub-sectors consisting of architecture, interior design, visual communication design, product design, photography, craft, culinary, music, fashion, application and game developers, publishing, advertising, television and radio, performing arts, fine arts and films, animations, and videos.

The series of activities for the Tourism Industry and Creative Economy Survey (SIPAREKRAF) have started from September 2020 with the preparation of questionnaires and guidebooks at BPS Puast. Most of the core activities of the Tourism Industry and Creative Economy Survey (SIPAREKRAF) lead to district/city BPS, starting from officer training, field enumeration, supervision and inspection as well as processing through webentry. Activities at the district level, started in March with Officer Training conducted online.

The field enumeration which was originally scheduled from April to July 2021 had to undergo changes due to the increasingly worrying situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and the PPKM policy from the government. Field enumeration finally started in June to August 2021.

Boyolali Regency itself received a sample of 70 businesses/companies to be recorded in various sub-districts with varying sub-sectors. The enumerators of the Boyolali Regency Tourism and Creative Economy Industry Survey (SIPAREKRAF) are reliable and trusted statistical partners who often assist BPS survey activities.
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