Training for Updating/Listing of Palawija Household Data Collection Officers in 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Training for Updating/Listing of Palawija Household Data Collection Officers in 2021

Training for Updating/Listing of Palawija Household Data Collection Officers in 2021

August 20, 2021 | BPS Activities

The Boyolali Regency BPS conducted training for data collection officers for the 2021 Palawija Tile Household Update/Listing with E-learning and delivered through a zoom meeting. This training is carried out for 1 (one) effective day, namely on August 18, 2021. The number of officers consists of 12 PCL (Statistical Partners) and 4 PML (Organic).

The training event was opened by the Head of BPS Boyolali Regency, Mr. Sugita with the instructor Ana Afiqatul Azqiyah (Coordinator of the Production Statistics Function). Health protocols are still applied in this training.

Given the important role of the food crop sub-sector, information on food crop production is needed that is accurate and describes the current conditions. The purpose of updating the household is to obtain a complete and up-to-date list of household names and addresses. The information used in updating the household is the coverage of the address of the head of the household in one census block listed in the SUB-P List Block I, and the list of names of the head of the household. listed in Block IV. In addition, as a basis for identifying the working area of ​​the Tile Survey officers, the ST2013-WB/SP2010-WB map was used. One of the important information that will be generated through the Tile Survey is the yield per hectare (productivity) which is collected routinely for each subround
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