BPS Kabupaten Boyolali Team Facing Regent and Deputy Regent Regarding Sectoral Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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BPS Kabupaten Boyolali Team Facing Regent and Deputy Regent Regarding Sectoral Data

BPS Kabupaten Boyolali Team Facing Regent and Deputy Regent Regarding Sectoral Data

April 28, 2021 | Other Activities

Once paddled, two to three islands are surpassed. Those are the right words to describe the activities carried out by the Kab. BPS Team. Boyolali (Head and all Function Coordinators) on April 28, 2021. After completing the Coordination Meeting for Filling in the BPS Data Form with Data Indicators for the District RPJMD Data. Boyolali at the BP3D Office, the team took advantage of the moment to be able to face the Regent of Kab. Boyolali in his study.

Kab. BPS Team. Boyolali was very lucky because when he met the Boyolali Regent, the Deputy Regent was also in a forum with the Regent so that on that occasion the Kab. BPS Team. Boyolali does not only have an audience with the Regent, but also with the Deputy Regent. On this occasion, the Head of BPS Kab. Boyolali conveyed about BPS as the supervisor of sectoral statistical data, asking for support from the Regional Government of the District. Boyolali is related to sectoral data that involves the participation of all DPOs so that the quality and diversity of data is getting better. BPS also expressed gratitude for the assistance of the District Government. Boyolali is related to the implementation of surveys at BPS, such as the Covid-19 Impact Survey on the business world, DDA and GRDP data collection, as well as other surveys.

The Regent of Boyolali expressed his commitment to improving data, especially sectoral statistics from OPD as a whole. He hopes that correcting this data starts from the internal government of the local government, in this case from the village / kelurahan level and even the RT (Rukun Tetangga) level. Data collection activities, including verification and validation, must aim to make the data more valid, accurate, and true to reality and can be used for future development planning. A concrete example is the data of MSME actors during the Covid-19 pandemic who will receive business assistance must be based on valid data so that they are not mistargeted. In addition, BPS macro data must be supported by real data in the field, such as data on poverty.

On the final occasion, he conveyed the need for closer cooperation between the Regional Government and the BPS Kab. Boyolali to control and support each other regarding data provision. On this occasion the Head of BPS Kab. Boyolali asked the Regent and Deputy Regent the willingness to give testimony regarding data services at BPS Kab. Boyolali and the Regent of the District agreed to this at another time.

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