Sharing Knowledge “Public Speaking” BPS Boyolali Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Boyolali Regency

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Sharing Knowledge “Public Speaking” BPS Boyolali Regency

Sharing Knowledge “Public Speaking” BPS Boyolali Regency

January 2, 2020 | Other Activities

The Boyolali Regency Statistics Agency (BPS) agenda every Thursday is Thursday SP2020, filled with a meeting to deliver developments in the implementation of the 2020 Population Census. SP2020 meetings are chaired by the BPS Head of Boyolali Regency, Drs. Sugita, MM and accompanied by the Chairperson of MAKO SP2020, Sri Setyarjo, SE.

There was something different on ThursdaySP2020 today on January 2, 2020. This time the ThursdaySP2020 agenda was continued with sharing Knowledge "Public Speaking", new knowledge for BPS employees in Boyolali Regency as refreshment outside the census, survey or statistics. The material was delivered by Cynthia Ika Damashinta, starting at 07.30 until 12.00 WIB.

"Public Speaking" is very useful to form a person who is more confident and qualified when speaking in public. This can certainly be used as a provision for BPS staff in Boyolali Regency to be a good speaker when the RAKORCAM SP2020 activity is planned to be held at the end of January 2020. With the sharing of Knowledge "Public Speaking" it is expected that every BPS employee can become a good and more confident speaker yourself in a variety of occasions, especially when dealing with the general public and stakeholders.

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