December 23, 2019 | Other Activities
Mother's Day in Indonesia is celebrated every 22 December. On Sunday, December 22, 2019, it was a Mother's Day commemoration for this year. Determination of December 22 as a commemoration of Mother's Day in Indonesia since 1938. At that time, held the Third Indonesian Women's Congress on 22-27 July 1938 in Bandung. One of his decisions stipulating Mother's Day is commemorated every 22 December. The December 22 election was due to coincide with the convening of the 1st Women's Congress on December 22, 1928.
Commemoration of Mother's Day BPS Boyolali District was held on Monday, December 23, 2019. "Empowered Women, Advanced Indonesia" was the theme of this year's Mother's Day Commemoration. The ceremony was attended by all employees and members of the Dharma Wanita BPS of Boyolali Regency. Ratna Setyowati, as the leader of the ceremony conveyed the mandate from the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia. The essence of Mother's Day Commemoration (PHI) every year is to remind all Indonesian people, especially the younger generation of the meaning and meaning of Mother's Day as a momentum of national awakening, raising a sense of unity and unity as well as women's struggle that cannot be separated from the history of the struggle of the Indonesian people.
Indonesian women today are women who must be aware that they have access and have the same opportunities as men to obtain resources, such as access to the economic, political, social, and so on. Likewise care in the family, the roles and responsibilities of men and women in child care not only parents but need to be supported by all parties. PHI is expected as an important moment to encourage all stakeholders to give attention, recognition of the importance of the existence of women in various development sectors. And in the end gives great confidence that women will be able to improve their quality of life and develop all the potential and abilities as agents of change.
The theme of the 91st PHI in 2019 is Empowered Women, Advanced Indonesia which was built by looking at the situation and condition of the Indonesian people who are still experiencing violence, discriminatory treatment, and others. This condition requires a variety of strategies, involving all elements of society and multistakeholders is needed, including the role of men in campaigns / movements that support the prevention of violence, and the achievement of gender equality. He for She became one of the global commitments that must be encouraged to the grassroots.
The series of Commemoration of Mother's Day BPS Boyollai Regency was closed by giving flowers and chocolates to all employees and Dharma Wanita as a symbol of appreciation and appreciation for the services of mothers so far.
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